Page 69 - Lincolnshire SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 69
8.8 Outline information required for SuDS evaluation
The information required at Outline Design The Outline SuDS Design will show what the
stage will depend on whether a Concept scheme will look like, how it will function and Outline Design
Design has been provided and the level of confirm any additional information provided
information included at that stage. since Concept Design Stage.
The design information should be provided in
plan form, confirming site layout and SuDS
infrastructure together with a SuDS Design
Statement presenting all information that
cannot be conveyed on plan.
8.8.2 Outline Design – information checklist
Information recommended in the LASOO (Local
Authority SuDS Officer Organisation) Practical Guidance
■ Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) – a review ■ ground investigation review
of critical elements
■ evidence of third party agreement for
■ Outline Design Strategy Statement consent to discharge or agreement in 64
■ Outline Design Plan – layout
■ the plan will incorporate preliminary
landscape proposals
Additional information to inform evaluation of the scheme:
■ topographical information and flow route ■ sensitive receptors for runoff where
analysis appropriate e.g. SSSIs
■ destination and discharge route of rainfall ■ offsite works that may be required
via infiltration or runoff
■ general maintenance principles
■ infiltration investigation results where ■
appropriate design life of any products used and
requirements for potential replacement.
■ existing utilities plan confirming existing
watercourses or sewer locations
Lincolnshire County Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates