Page 114 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 114
Detailed Design 9.8.4 Visual quality
The overall character of the SuDS landscape
and surrounding areas will have been
considered during Concept and Outline
Design stages.
Design detailing of SuDS components,
particularly inlets, outlets, control structures,
channels and basins with their edges and
profiles remain to be confirmed during Detail
Design Stage.
9.8.5 The integration of amenity
and SuDS
Early SuDS design in Britain tended to create
dedicated SuDS corridors with a series of
basins, swales and wetlands that were
separate from the development they served.
In many cases wetland features would be
fenced. They were therefore thought to be
109 land hungry, expensive and required
additional site maintenance.
In order to maximize the value of SuDS it is
important to understand the principle of
integrated SuDS design. SuDS design should
integrate the requirements of rainfall
management with the use of development by
Fort Royal Primary School, Worcester.
Mini-courtyard with rainchain, rain slide,
raised pool and rill.
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates