Page 116 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 116
Detailed Design 9.9 Biodiversity Biodiversity must be considered at the larger
9.9.1 Principles of design for biodiversity
Geology and climate are fundamental
catchment scale to create a sympathetic
influences on the natural character of the
green / blue infrastructure and also at a local
landscape and determine the basic habitat
scale to provide habitat and connectivity
types likely to evolve over time.
Local topography, aspect, soils, landscape
design and habitat management all affect
biodiversity in a developed landscape and linkages within and around development.
A biodiversity micro-pool set within a meadow
can be influenced by SuDS design. raingarden at St Peters School Gloucester,
9.9.2 Biodiversity at development scale
There is usually a host landscape that habitat wherever this is possible but careful
provides an enclosing envelope to the SuDS design can still enhance wildlife value in
‘management train’. This term describes the ornamental planting by following specific
landscape not directly affected by SuDS guidance.
features and the impact of rainfall
Where SuDS installations are more isolated,
for instance in urban retrofit and re-
This surrounding ‘host landscape’ may development, then SuDS spaces can act as
include natural habitat or reflect more biodiverse islands, sometimes likened to
ornamental planting, particularly where it is ‘service stations’, that act as staging posts
close to buildings. and feeding sites for mobile species like
birds, insects and other wildlife in an
The wider host landscape should reflect the
otherwise hostile environment.
ecological character of surrounding natural
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates