Page 120 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 120
Detailed Design 9.10.3 SuDS vegetation types
There are a number of vegetation types
commonly used in SuDS:
grass surfaces – a common SuDS ground
herbaceous planting - typically used in
raingardens and bioretention
wetland and pond planting – usually
based on native wetland habitats
■ trees and shrub planting – used to
enhance the landscape and aid
interception losses
■ green / blue roofs – resilient low planting
for shallow growing media on roofs.
These are covered in the following sections.
Rectory Gardens Rainpark, Hornsey.
Forebays, swales and underdrained basins use
SuDS turf (100-150mm) to filter runoff, with
amenity grass for public use.
115 Grass surfaces
Grass is the most cost effective, flexible and There are 3 general types of grass surfaces
familiar surface for vegetated SuDS features used in SuDS landscapes:
like filter strips, swales, basins and the edges ■
of wetlands and ponds. Grass surfaces will Amenity Grass - for everyday community
use and to give a cared for appearance
often merge seamlessly with the surrounding
host landscape. ■ SuDS Grass – a longer amenity grass used
where water may flow or be contained in
Grass surfaces are reasonably easy to
temporary storage
establish, simple to maintain, meet the most
important requirements in managing runoff ■ Meadow Grassland - containing a mixture
and can provide biodiversity and amenity of grasses and flowering plants left long
benefits. with an annual cut towards the end of the
Grass swards must be vigorous and able to
repair themselves if damaged. For this, an
appropriate topsoil depth is necessary.
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates