Page 75 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 75
9.3.2 Drawing package
The SuDS drawing package should include
the following:
Design Topographical survey of the site Detailed Design
Coordinated constraints map identifying all potential design constraints including
areas of flood risk (fluvial, pluvial and ground water), contaminated land,
archaeological significance, poor ground conditions, unexploded ordnance (UXO),
presence of invasive species, protected habitats, tree Protection Orders (TPO) and
root protection zones (RPZ). [note : list is not exhaustive]
Existing utility services drawing. Details of existing site surface water drainage
infrastructure and ownership established
Plan of site detailing flow routes including exceedance flow routes, subcatchment
boundaries, flow control locations, storage locations, contributing impermeable area,
and phasing where appropriate;
Drawing of site drainage catchment areas showing permeable and impermeable areas
within defined subcatcatchments.
Design Detailed site layout at an identified scale (1:200 or 1:500 or as appropriate or any other
drawings scale agreed) including a North direction arrow.
Long sections and cross sections for the proposed drainage system, including 70
surrounding site level and proposed finished floor levels (where appropriate)
Construction Details – inlets, outlets, flow controls, storage, edge details, connection
details to receiving watercourse / sewers / public surface water sewers / highway
Planting arrangement and surface treatment / materials drawings where detailed not
included on other drawings.
Critical design levels should be identified on all relevant drawings.
Rectory Gardens Rainpark, Hornsey.
A small public park that collects polluted road
runoff through silt forebays and underdrained
infiltration basins that discharge clean water
slowly to the River Moselle.
Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates