Page 87 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 87  Accounting for Climate Change

      Future predictions suggest that more                   surface, the designer should evaluate likely
      extreme rainfall events will occur with greater        flood volumes, depths and velocities to
      regularity.                                            ensure there is no significant risk to
                                                             development or people. Generally, depths              Detailed Design
      To make allowance for this within SuDS                 less than 0.25m will not present a risk, but
      calculations the current industry approach is          steep parts of sites may generate high
      to factor up rainfall intensities for Climate          velocities which may be unsuitable.
      Change Allowance.
                                                             Table 2 from the DEFRA Guidance on climate
      Flows in excess of the storage capacity of
                                                             change is replicated below with additional
      SuDS components should be directed along               advisory notes on how the upper end and
      modified flow routes. When the sensitivity
                                                             central projections should be applied:
      test indicates potential for flows across the

                                                   Design life          Design life          Design life
                                                   2015-2039           2040-2069             2070-2115

       Upper End Projection

       Carry out sensitivity test. Where
       unacceptable flood risk to site or

       adjacent sites is identified Upper
       End Projection allowances must be               10%                  20%                  40%               82
       incorporated into design (i.e
       significant flood depths on site
       during this event could present a
       danger to people)

       Central Projection

       These represent the Minimum
       climate change allowances that can
       be adopted where sensitivity tests               5%                  10%                  20%
       demonstrate that no unacceptable
       flood risks are introduced by not
       allowing for Upper End Projections.

                                                   Design Note:
             Climate Change should be considered for both attenuation storage and conveyance

      Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                       © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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