Page 88 - Lewisham SuDS DESIGN & EVALUATION
P. 88

Detailed Design  Accounting for Urban Creep

           Urban Creep considers the potential impact
           on the drainage system from permitted
           development such as paving over front
           gardens to create driveways. Permitted
           development rights generally applies to

           residential development but can also apply to
           commercial development and schools.

           The following table is taken from LASOO
           Guidance document and defines the
           anticipated percentage increase to
           impermeable area:

                                                                       Paving over front gardens with impervious
                                                                   surfaces is increasingly common. This example
                                                                   could easily have been permeable block paved.

                                                            Residential development density
                                                                  (dwellings per hectare)

                                                ≤ 25       30        35        45       ≥ 50    flats & apartments

            Percentage area increase
            applied as percentage of
            proposed impermeable area           10%        8%        6%        4%        2%             0%
            within curtilage of private

           For housing developments designers should
           calculate the number of properties per
           hectare and apply the percentage increase to
           non-adopted impermeable areas, for example
           roofs, pathways and driveways.

           Urban creep allowance for commercial
           developments and schools should be agreed
           with the LLFA at pre-application stage.

           Lewisham Council SuDS D & E Guide                                                                       © 2018 McCloy Consulting & Robert Bray Associates
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