Page 24 - The Lost Book of Youth
P. 24
The Lost Book of Youth
unsaturated fat on the other hand, lead to obesity. It is interesting to note that
coffee, despite the claims that it is harmful to the body, is actually a protective
agent against liver cancer.
3.Avoid smoking or exposure to smoke.
Exposure to smoke is a risk factor for developing lung cancer.
Burning those excess calories actually prevents the deposition of excess fats
leading to obesity. The more fit you are, the less chance of being high-risk.
5.Use oral contraceptives.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no clear evidence of developing breast cancer
through the use of oral contraceptives. In fact, it is a protective factor against
ovarian cancer.
A lot more things could be done in order to prevent cancer but in order to
combat this deadly disease effectively and efficiently; people must first be
aware. Awareness is the key to prevention. Consult your physician the soonest
possible time if you see abrupt changes in your body (e.g. weight loss, skin
colour) and get screened.
Eliminating Arthritis
Having a joint disorder like Arthritis could be debilitating to one’s daily living.
Due to its main symptoms of joint stiffness, pain and swelling, it brings
discomfort and immobility for those who have been inflicted by it. Arthritis
could be branched out to its three known types: osteoarthritis, the most
common in which the cartilage (acts as barrier in preventing the bones from
rubbing each other) of the bone goes wear and tear, thereby causing stiffness
and pain when moved. Rheumatoid arthritis happens when the synovial fluid,
the one that lubricates the joints, is attacked by the own cells of the body, thus
manifesting inflammation and pain. Another type is Juvenile Rheumatoid
arthritis, which affects children.
Indeed, this type of joint disorder impinges on any age. Though one may not
wish for it, there are modalities of treatment or prevention which can be helpful
in dealing with the arthritis pain. First to consider is the diet. What you eat is
obviously absorbed by your body—your cells, bones, and even your joints. So
eat healthy by injecting fruits and vegetables in your meals. Stay away from
sugars and fatty foods, and keep the meats and poultry at minimum.
Supplement the diet with foods rich in omega-3 and vitamins and minerals.