Page 5 - The Lost Book of Youth
P. 5
The Lost Book of Youth
Copious amounts of water should be incorporated into the diet. Sometimes you
can supplement water with juicy fruits or natural juices (avoid fizzy drinks).
While at the beach or out getting some sun outdoors, constantly make use of
sunscreen. Ensure that you do not expose your skin to too much sun. Take an
umbrella or a large hat that will help reduce your vulnerability to the sun’s
ultraviolet rays which damage the skin.
It is a no brainer that once you hit your sunset years; you should stay off
narcotics and illegal drugs. Actually, avoiding drug abuse at any age is probably
a good idea for your skin. Some chemicals present in nicotine inhibit the body’s
ability to produce wrinkle busters known as collagens. With trace production of
collagens, the skin is bound to form wrinkles over the years.