Page 36 - Rockefeller Lockstep Document
P. 36
Scenario Narratives HACK ATTACK
“WE HAVE THIS LOVE AFFAIR still thriving enacted strong, increasingly
WITH STRONG CENTRAL STATES, complex defensive measures. Patent applications
BUT THAT’S NOT THE ONLY skyrocketed and patent thickets proliferated,
as companies fought to claim and control even
the tiniest innovations. Security measures and
GOING TO MAKE THIS EVEN MORE screenings tightened.
This “wild west” environment had a profound
impact on innovation. The threat of being
RATE IN SOMALIA AS IN RWANDA. hacked and the presence of so many thefts and
IN THAT RESPECT, SOMALIA fakes lowered the incentives to create “me first”
WORKS.” rather than “me too” technologies. And so many
patent thickets made the cross-pollination of
– Aidan Eyakuze, Society for International
Development, Tanzania ideas and research difficult at best. Blockbuster
pharmaceuticals quickly became artifacts of
the past, replaced by increased production
began to avoid vaccinating their children, and of generics. Breakthrough innovations still
it wasn’t long before infant and child mortality happened in various industries, but they were
focused more on technologies that could not be
Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development Internet scams and pyramid schemes plagued inventors — or even by their nations. In 2022, a
rates rose to levels not seen since the 1970s.
easily replicated or re-engineered. And once
Technology hackers were also hard at work.
created, they were vigorously guarded by their
inboxes. Meanwhile, more sophisticated
biofuel breakthrough in Brazil was protected as a
hackers attempted to take down corporations,
national treasure and used as a bargaining chip
government systems, and banks via phishing
in trade with other countries.
scams and database information heists, and their
Verifying the authenticity of anything was
many successes generated billions of dollars in
of several companies and NGOs to create
intellectual property, the few multinationals
36 losses. Desperate to protect themselves and their increasingly difficult. The heroic efforts