Page 29 - The Lost Book Preserving Food Naturally
P. 29
The Lost Book of Preserving Food Naturally
this, although some recipes call for a salt brine, rather than using vinegar. In either case,
the pickling process makes ensures that bacteria cannot survive in the food. The process
of pickling also modifies the foods that are being pickled, affecting their flavor and even
their texture.
We are all familiar with “pickles” which can be placed on hamburgers or eaten plain. But
there are many other condiments which are pickled as well, even though we don’t realize
it. Ketchup, mustard, most meat sauces and salad dressing are all pickled products. There
are even meat products which are pickled, such as corned beef, which was originally
known as “pickled beef” and pickled herring.
Pickling is a time-consuming process; not for the person doing the pickling, but for the
food. Foods which are being pickled must be left in the pickling solution for a
considerable amount of time; sometimes for days. In many cases, the pickled foods are
canned in the pickling solution, allowing the process to continue.
Should you decide you want to attempt pickling, it is essential that you follow a recipe.
Since it is the pickling process that preserves the food and not the canning process, it
would be dangerous to reduce or eliminate an essential ingredient, such as vinegar or