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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.

                 Administrative proceedings provide for a       If  the  agreement  is violated  during  the period  of
            variety of relief. For regulated persons and entities,   deferred  prosecution,  SEC  staff  may  recommend
            such as broker-dealers and investment advisers and   an  enforcement  action  to  the  Commission
            persons  associated  with  them,  sanctions  include   against the individual or company for the original
            censure,  limitation  on  activities,  suspension  of   misconduct as well as any additional misconduct.

            up to twelve months, and bar from association or    Furthermore,  if  the  Commission  authorizes  the
            revocation of registration. For professionals such   enforcement action, SEC staff may use any factual
            as  attorneys  and  accountants,  SEC  can  order  in   admissions  made  by  the  cooperating  individual
            Rule  102(e)  proceedings  that  the  professional  be   or company in support of a motion for summary
            censured,  suspended,  or  barred  from  appearing   judgment, while maintaining the ability to bring an
            or practicing before SEC. 409   SEC staff can seek an   enforcement action for any additional misconduct

            order  from  an  administrative  law  judge  requiring   at a later date.
            the respondent to cease and  desist from any               In  May  of  2011,  SEC  entered  into  its  first
            current  or  future  violations  of  the  securities  laws.   deferred prosecution agreement against a company
            In  addition,  SEC  can  obtain  disgorgement,  pre-  for violating  the  FCPA. 410     In  that  case,  a  global
            judgment  interest,  and  civil  money  penalties  in   manufacturer of steel pipe products violated the

            administrative  proceedings  under  Section  21B  of   FCPA  by  bribing  Uzbekistan  government  officials
            the  Exchange  Act,  and  also  can  order  other  relief   during  a bidding  process to supply  pipelines  for
            to  effect  compliance  with  the  federal  securities   transporting  oil  and  natural gas. The company
            laws, such as enhanced remedial measures or the     made  almost  $5  million  in  profits  when  it  was
            retention of an independent compliance consultant   subsequently  awarded  several  contracts  by  the
            or monitor.                                         Uzbekistan  government.  The  company  discovered

                                                                the  misconduct  during  a  worldwide  review  of  its
            Deferred Prosecution Agreements                     operations  and  brought  it  to  the  government’s
                 A deferred prosecution agreement is a          attention. In addition to self-reporting, the company

            written  agreement  between  SEC  and  a  potential   conducted  a  thorough  internal  investigation;
            cooperating  individual  or  company  in  which  SEC   provided complete, real-time cooperation with SEC
            agrees to forego an enforcement action against the   and DOJ staff; and undertook extensive remediation,
            individual or company if the individual or company   including enhanced anti-corruption procedures and
            agrees  to,  among  other  things:  (1)  cooperate   training. Under the terms of the DPA, the company

            truthfully  and  fully  in  SEC’s  investigation  and   paid $5.4 million in disgorgement and prejudgment
            related enforcement actions; (2) enter into a long-  interest.  The  company  also  paid  a  $3.5  million
            term  tolling  agreement;  (3)  comply  with  express   monetary penalty to resolve a criminal investigation
            prohibitions  and/or undertakings  during  a period   by DOJ through an NPA. 411
            of  deferred  prosecution;  and  (4)  under  certain     For further information about deferred
            circumstances,  agree  either  to  admit  or  not  to   prosecution  agreements,  see  SEC’s  Enforcement

            contest  underlying  facts  that  SEC  could  assert  to   Manual. 412
            establish a violation of the federal securities laws.

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