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A Resource Guide to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Second Edition.
On August 12, 2011, the final rules for SEC’s Whistleblowers can submit information
Whistleblower Program became effective. These anonymously. To be considered under SEC’s
rules set forth the requirements for a whistleblower whistleblower program as eligible for an award,
to be eligible for an award, factors that SEC will however, the information must be submitted
use to determine the amount of the award, on an anonymous whistleblower’s behalf by an
the categories of individuals who are excluded attorney. 421 Whether or not a whistleblower reports
from award consideration, and the categories of anonymously, SEC is committed to protecting the
individuals who are subject to limitations in award identity of a whistleblower to the fullest extent
considerations. 419 The final rules strengthen possible under the statute. 422 SEC’s Office of the
incentives for employees to report the suspected Whistleblower administers SEC’s Whistleblower
violations internally through internal compliance Program and answers questions from the public
programs when appropriate, although they do not regarding the program. Additional information
require an employee to do so in order to qualify regarding SEC’s Whistleblower Program, including
for an award. 420 answers to frequently asked questions, is available
Individuals with information about a possible online at
violation of the federal securities laws, including
FCPA violations, should submit that information to
SEC either online through SEC’s Tips, Complaints, SEC Office of the Whistleblower
and Referrals (TCR) system and complaint form
100 F Street NE, Mail Stop 5971
(available at or by mailing
Washington, DC 20549
or faxing a completed Form TCR to the Commission’s
Office of the Whistleblower. Facsimile: (703) 813-9322
Online Report Form: