Page 13 - The Lost Garden of Eden
P. 13
The Lost Garden of Eden
Some of the other plants that can be planted during this month are as follows:
• Daylilies
• Bleeding hearts
• Hostas
• Honeysuckles
• Fuchsias
• Geraniums
A few other fruits and vegetables planted in this season are as follows
• Rhubarb
• Horseradish
• Asparagus
• Artichokes
• Kiwis
• Grapes
• Strawberries
• Raspberries
• Blackberries
This season provides an opportunity to the plants including fruits and vegetable to
grow and start their development. This time is the perishing time for the plants. They
start to grow and thrive during this period of the year.
March is that month in which a considerable lot
flowers bloom and bushes start to sprout.
Moreover, shrubs also grow a lot during this
month. However, the weather in March is
usually flickering therefore, one must proceed
with caution.
Some of the shrubs that bloom during this
month are as follows:
• Aubrietia
• Candytuft
• Rock cress
• Bergenia
• Snowdrops
• Witch Hazel