Page 113 - The Lost Ways
P. 113

priority is to keep wrongdoers out of your community. If they run, it’s usually best to just
                   let them get away; chasing them uses manpower and resources you can’t afford.

                   But  posses  had  another  use,  and  that  was  for  self-defense  against  a  large  group  of
                   attackers. That’s something you’re almost certainly going to need.

                   Sheriffs in the Old West had a legal right to draft manpower and were backed up by the
                   threat of penalties under Posse comitatus. That’s an advantage you won’t have. Law will
                   have broken down; you’re trying to hold a little piece of it together, but you can’t do it by

                   imposing fines on people who won’t join your posse. Ten to one they aren’t going to pay
                   the fines either. You’ll have to use persuasion, and again, most people will see the sense
                   behind it. Those who don’t will probably change their minds the first time your posse
                   proves its worth.

                   Raising a posse isn’t something you can leave until the barbarians are at the gates. You
                   have to know who you can call on that will be willing to help. Traditionally, that was all
                   able-bodied men; now it’s any able-bodied adult. You have to make sure they all have
                   access to a gun, ideally a long gun. If any don’t, see if you can get those with multiple guns

                   to loan one—and make sure the borrower knows how to use it.

                   Arrange a place for the posse to assemble if gunfire breaks out: somewhere central and
                   easily reached but not in the line of fire from the ways into your neighborhood. If you can
                   and if you have enough people, organize them into teams, and try to spread any veterans
                   among those teams to reinforce them.

                   When the community comes under attack, the last thing you want is for everyone to rush
                   toward the sound of the guns. What if the raiders have split into two groups? Keep a
                   reserve to deal with anything unexpected. An old sheriff wouldn’t take everyone with
                   him; he’d leave at least one trusted deputy and enough men to protect the town while
                   he was gone.

                   Sheriffs in the Old West had some other powers that you don’t. They could convict and
                   imprison  or  hang  lawbreakers.  Don’t  even  go  there  unless  it’s  clear  the  disaster  is

                   permanent. Yes, you could lock someone up in your garage and call it the town jail, but
                   you’d just have to feed them. As for executions, that’s very dangerous territory. Even in
                   the worst-case scenario, like a major EMP attack, there’s a good chance the government
                   will  regain  control  eventually.  If  that  happens,  you don’t need questions being asked
                   about what happened during the crisis.

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