Page 114 - The Lost Ways
P. 114

The  same  goes  for  lynchings.  If  you’re  the  one  who  maintained  the  law—even
                   unofficially—and a criminal was lynched, you’re going to be held responsible for it. When
                   raiders arrive, aim to drive them off. If any get shot in the process, that’s legitimate self-
                   defense, but frontier justice is a different story.

                   Law enforcement in the Old West was all about the community looking after itself. It was
                   based on consent and on power exercised by a sheriff chosen from among the people.
                   That’s the way the law should be maintained, and many of today’s social problems trace
                   back to the fact that it isn’t done that way anymore. After the SHTF, it’s going to be
                   different. Surviving communities will have to return to the ways of the Western pioneers
                   because there will be no other way to maintain law and order.

                   If those communities don’t adopt the Western way of keeping the peace, then they won’t
                   last. However strong and self-reliant they are, they’ll inevitably be overwhelmed, one
                   house at a time, by those who emerge from the wreckage all around them.

                   The  traditions of  the  sheriff,  America’s  iconic  lawman,  were essential  to  building  this
                   country. They’ll be just as essential to rebuilding it after a collapse.

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