Page 80 - The Lost Ways
P. 80
Stick to a conventional triangular shape for the roof, and at the end, drill a hole on one of
the sides for the chimney. Don’t drill the roof onto the walls of the smokehouse. It should
be detachable so that you can check the meat whenever you want and even remove the
product with ease if you don’t want to use the door.
Inside the smokehouse, you should place
wooden racks. (Don’t forget to sculpt
several V-notches at a distance of 0.5 inches
from one another.) This will help you place
the steel hooks you will use to hang the
meat on.
After the smokehouse has been completed
[Figure 8] and installed on top of the brick
foundation, cover the pipe with dirt, and
place wooden pallets on top [Figure 9]. You
will use these as steps to get to the
smokehouse and get the smoked products.
Paint the smokehouse whatever color you
like (although it’s recommended to be dark Figure 6.
brown), and have a thermostat installed in
the middle of the door to help you monitor the temperature inside.
Figure 9