Page 14 - Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans
P. 14

Natural Healing Secrets of Native Americans

               on the species, but can be pale pink to bright pink in color.  The center of the flower contains sharp bristles.
               The roots have been shown to have medicinal properties, but also the flowers and leaves.

               WILD YAM

               Wild Yam, Latin name Dioscorea villosa, may be more
               known for its use in the creation of contraceptives,
               asthma  medication,  arthritis  medication,  eczema
               medication,  and  metabolism  control  drugs.    Just
               because the plant is used to create such things in a
               lab  (basic  progesterone  starting  material)  does  not
               mean the plan in its raw form can treat these issues.
               However, the plant also has a history of used with
               certain  Native  American  tribes  for  issues  like  labor
               pains and childbirth assistance.   Today, it is still used
               in some herbal preparations as a “women’s herb.”   It
               is a vining plant with heart-shaped leaves. In some
               places it is endangered or threatened.


               Canadian Wood Nettle, Latin name Urtica Canadensis, and Stinging Nettle, Latin name Urtica dioica, are
               similar nettles used in various ways by Native Americans.   Each plant grows in slightly different regions.
                                                                  Canadian Wood Nettle was used in several ways.
                                                                  The  root  was  used  by  the  Iroquois  to  treat
                                                                  tuberculosis and the Meskwaki and Ojibwa used
                                                                  it for urinary incontinence.

                                                                  Both plants have similar compounds and have
                                                                  been used to treat prostate issues.  Both plants
                                                                  also  offered  a  source  of  nutrition  and
                                                                  sustenance  for  Native  Americans.    Stinging
                                                                  Nettle was used as a blood purifier and as an
                                                                  overall tonic.

                                                                  Both  plants  have  stinging  hairs,  but  Stinging
               Nettle has more.  Most of the Stinging Hairs on Canadian Wood Nettle are on the stalk.  Both of these
               plants are used today as a nourishing pot herb. Stinging Nettle is still a very popular medicinal herb, with
               uses ranging from treating allergies to urinary issues.

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