Page 13 - Diplomatic Consular Immunity
P. 13

The United States benefits greatly from the   and reduced the degree of immunity enjoyed by
            concept as it protects U.S. diplomats assigned to   many persons at diplomatic missions.
            countries with judicial systems far different than
            our own.                                     On a practical level, a failure of the authorities of     5
                                                         the United States to fully respect the immunities
            The various categories of immunity are       of foreign diplomatic and consular personnel
            explained below and a table is provided on   may complicate diplomatic relations between
            page 40 to summarize elements of paramount   the United States and the other country
            concern to law enforcement officials, but all have   concerned. It may also lead to harsher treatment
            a common legal foundation. While customary   of U.S. personnel abroad, since the principle of
            international law continues to refine the    reciprocity has, from the most ancient times,
            concepts of diplomatic and consular immunity,   been integral to diplomatic and consular
            the basic rules are currently embodied in    relations.
            international treaties. These treaties have been
            formally adopted by the United States and are,   It should be emphasized that even at its
            therefore, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, “the   highest level, diplomatic immunity does not
            supreme law of the land.” The U.S. government   exempt diplomatic officers from the obligation
            is legally bound to ensure that such privileges   of conforming with national and local laws
            and immunities are respected by its states and   and regulations. Diplomatic immunity is not
            municipalities.                              intended to serve as a license for persons to
                                                         flout the law and purposely avoid liability for
            U.S. law regarding diplomatic immunity has its   their actions. The purpose of these privileges
            roots in England. In 1708, the British Parliament   and immunities is not to benefit individuals but
            formally recognized diplomatic immunity and   to ensure the efficient and effective performance
            banned the arrest of foreign envoys. In 1790,   of their official missions on behalf of their
            the United States passed similar legislation that   governments. This is a crucial point for law
            provided absolute immunity for diplomats and   enforcement officers to understand in their
            their families and servants, as well as for lower   dealings with foreign diplomatic and consular
            ranking diplomatic mission personnel. This   personnel. While police officers are obliged,
            1790 law remained in force until 1978, when the   under international customary and treaty law,
            present Diplomatic Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 254)   to recognize the immunity of the envoy, they
            was enacted to replace it.                   must not ignore or condone the commission of
                                                         crimes. As is explained in greater detail below,
            The principal purpose of the 1978 Act was to   adherence to police procedures in such cases
            bring U.S. law into line with the 1961 Vienna   is often essential in order for the United States
            Convention on Diplomatic Relations (which    to formulate appropriate measures through
            entered into force for the United States in 1972).   diplomatic channels to deal with such offenders.
            The 1978 Act imposed a more precise regime
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