Page 17 - Diplomatic Consular Immunity
P. 17

III. Categories of Persons Entitled to Privileges and Immunities

            no personal inviolability, no inviolability of   for law enforcement officials to understand
            property, and no immunity from the obligation   these principles generally, because they could
            to provide evidence as witnesses. The families   confront a situation wherein a U.S. citizen
            of service staff members enjoy no privileges or   spouse of a foreign national diplomatic agent
            immunities.                                  (who lacks the correct identity documents)
                                                         attempts to establish his or her immunity solely
            Nationals or Permanent Residents             on the basis of proving a relationship with the           9
            of the United States                         diplomatic agent.

            The general rules set forth previously assume   Special Bilateral Agreements
            that the staff members of the diplomatic
            mission are nationals of the sending country   There are some countries with which
            or some third country. The United States, as   the United States has concluded bilateral
            a matter of policy, does not normally accept   agreements that grant to all members of the
            as diplomatic agents its own nationals, legal   staff of their respective embassies (provided
            permanent residents of the United States,    that they are nationals of the sending country)
            or others who are “permanently resident      the privileges and immunities to which only
            in” the United States.  The family members   diplomatic agents are normally entitled.
            of diplomatic agents enjoy no privileges or   Identification cards will reflect this status
            immunities if they are nationals of the United   but police officers should be aware of this
            States. Members of the administrative and    distinction because they may have to confront
            technical staff (including their families) and   situations where a chauffeur or mechanic
            members of the service staff enjoy no privileges   from the embassy of one of these countries
            and immunities if they are U.S. nationals, legal   asserts a right to full diplomatic privileges and
            permanent residents, or foreign nationals    immunities.
            “permanently resident in” the United States.
                                                         Temporary Duty

            Police officers should not have to deal with
            this distinction since the U.S. Department   Persons sent to the United States on short-
            of State issues identification cards (see the   term official duty with diplomatic missions
            following discussion) with the nationality   ordinarily do not enjoy any privileges and
            principle in mind. However, it is important   immunities (law enforcement authorities

            4  A member of a mission, other than a diplomatic agent, “permanently resident in” the United States for purposes of Article 38(2) of
            the VCDR and Article 71(2) of the VCCR enjoys no privileges and immunities pursuant to the Vienna Conventions.
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