Page 22 - Diplomatic Consular Immunity
P. 22

Diplomatic and Consular Immunity:  Guidance for Law Enforcement and Judicial Authorities

                          Personnel of National Missions to             Owing to the temporary nature of their visit,
                          International Organizations                   such officials will normally not have the usual
                                                                        official identity documents recognizable
                          The United Nations and the Organization of    in the United States. Law enforcement
                          American States are headquartered in the      officials (particularly in New York) should be
                          United States, and most of their member       sensitive to the existence of this situation and
        14                states maintain permanent missions to the     always coordinate with the U.S. authorities
                          headquarters in the United States. The        indicated in the list of Useful Phone Numbers
                          permanent representatives staffing these      if confronted with an apparent offender
                          missions are accredited to the international   appearing to fall into this category.
                          organization concerned (not to the United
                          States), but their privileges and immunities   Designated Employees
                          are nonetheless often defined by reference to   of TECRO and TECO
                          the status of diplomatic personnel who are
                          accredited to the United States.              Designated Employees of the
                                                                        Taipei Economic and Cultural
                          As is the case with diplomatic missions, the   Representative Office in the
                          assignment of privileges and immunities       United States (TECRO) and of
                          is differentiated generally on the basis      the Taipei Economic and Cultural
                          of the functions performed. The most          Offices (TECO)
                          senior representatives in these missions to
                          international organizations have privileges   The Taipei Economic and Cultural
                          and immunities equivalent to those afforded   Representative Office in the United States
                          diplomatic agents. The remainder of the       (TECRO) and its subsidiary offices, the Taipei
                          staffs of these missions have only official   Economic and Cultural Offices (TECO),
                          acts immunity pursuant to the International   facilitate the commercial, cultural, and other
                          Organizations Immunities Act and no           relations between the people of the United
                          personal inviolability.                       States and the people on Taiwan. They operate
                                                                        in the United States pursuant to the Taiwan
                          Short-term official visitors from other states   Relations Act of 1979 and the Agreement
                          to the United Nations or to international     on Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
                          conferences convened by the United            between the American Institute in Taiwan
                          Nations may enjoy full diplomatic immunity    and the Taipei Economic and Cultural
                          equivalent to that afforded diplomatic agents.   Representative Office in the United States
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