Page 21 - Diplomatic Consular Immunity
P. 21

III. Categories of Persons Entitled to Privileges and Immunities

            Waivers                                      not covered by the treaties. In determining
                                                         the degree of inviolability or immunity, law
            As is the case with diplomatic mission       enforcement officers will be guided primarily
            personnel, the sending country may always    by the identity documents that have been
            waive the privileges or immunities of        issued to such persons. The following,
            members of its consular posts. This is less   however, provides a general overview of the
            likely to be an issue for consular personnel,   distribution of privileges and immunities in          13
            however, since their immunities are so       connection with international organizations.
                                                         Personnel of International
            International Organization                   Organizations
            Personnel and National                       International organizations that have

            Missions to Such                             headquarters or other offices in the United
            Organizations                                States are staffed with administrative and
                                                         executive employees, as necessary, to carry
            International organizations, such as the     out their functions. The vast majority of these
            United Nations, are relatively modern        employees enjoy only official acts immunity as
            entities. The privileges and immunities of   provided for in U.S. domestic legislation (the
            the personnel of such organizations and      International Organizations Immunities Act,
            the personnel of national missions to such   22 U.S.C. 2881) and no personal inviolability.
            organizations have a different basis than that   In certain cases, however, the most senior
            of diplomatic and consular representatives.   executives of such organizations have been
            In the case of international organizations,   accorded privileges and immunities equal
            the nations concerned have agreed that the   to those afforded diplomatic agents. This
            important purposes of such organizations may   is the case for the Secretary General of the
            be accomplished only if a certain measure    United Nations and for all Under Secretaries-
            of privileges and immunities are afforded to   General and Assistant Secretaries-General
            their participants. The nations concerned    of the United Nations, Principal Resident
            have concluded treaties embodying such       Representatives of the International Monetary
            grants of privileges and immunities. Some,   Fund and the World Bank, as well as some
            including the United States, enacted domestic   senior officials of the Organization of
            legislation granting specific privileges and   American States secretariat.
            immunities to certain categories of persons
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