Page 48 - Vaccine Death Report
P. 48
societies, there are also more public cults, like freemasonry. This is one of the better known
spiritual organizations, used to influence local authorities in virtually every town of every nation.
They attract people in authority, claiming to be an innocent organization that wants to help
humanity. Only when members climb to the higher levels of freemasonry, they discover that it is
blatant satanism.
Freemasonry focuses on making influential people in every community their members,
so they can use them for the outworking of their plans.
The many secret societies work closely with the secret services of the nations, like for example the
CIA and FBI in America. Entities that on the surface fight crime, but in reality are among the worst
of all criminal organizations. The renowned German journalist Udo Ulfkotte, who was murdered
for his confessions, admitted a few years ago that journalists all over the world are paid by secret
services, secret societies, government agencies, billionaires, etc. to always lie and never tell the
truth to the public. His important testimony can be seen in the documentary BUSTED on It is because of the confessions of this brave journalist - who was editor
of one of Europe's largest newspapers - that a major awakening is going on in Germany. His
book opened the eyes of the German population, who are now a major force against the New
World Order.
Although Vatican City, Washington D.C. and the City of London are some of their main
headquarters, many of their logistics operations have been transferred to Asian countries,
because their plan is to use China to overthrow the rest of the world. The oppressive
communistic regime of total surveillance, slavery and control which they installed in China, must
be rolled out now over the rest of the world.
Our enemy is however not the Chinese Communist Party, since they are also mere
puppets. Those calling the shots are still seated in Vatican City.
All this may sound bizarre if you hear this for the first time, but we need to wake up to the fact
that everything that is being exposed worldwide now is bizarre, to say the least. Who would have
thought that the whole world would suddenly collaborate in mandating the most toxic,
potentially lethal and DNA altering injections on all of humanity? We must step out of our boxes
of comfortable ignorance and understand that we are dealing with extremely evil entities, that
don't think the way we do, and who are extremely well organized.
S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M