Page 50 - Vaccine Death Report
P. 50

T H E   V A C C I N E   D E A T H   R E P O R T

                                       T H E   F U T U R E   I S   O U R S !

                   Since  ancient  times  there  have  been  cultures  that  were  deeply  embedded  in
                   dimensions of evil, that most of us cannot even comprehend. From these dark
                   cultures  certain  families  have  emerged  that  have  one  goal:  submit  all  of
                   humanity to their control and tyranny. They infiltrated every aspect of human

                   life, from politics, to media, health care, education, religion, etc.Now with their
                   organized worldwide pandemic, they are revealing their plans, which is causing
                   a global awakening. It's up to us to pull our heads out of the sands of comfortable
                   ignorance and face this enemy head on, with truth, justice and courage. We may
                   not understand all  the specifics of  who they are, but we  do  understand that
                   humanity is threatened by very evil people, and that we have to rise up with
                   everything we are. It is our ignorance that gave them the power they are yielding

                   today. The key to defeating them is exposure. We must inform ourselves and
                   everybody around us. This is the time of the Great Awakening, where the veil of
                   deception is lifted off of humanity and the world can finally see who has been
                   oppressing them, all along. But we have to be brave. It's up to us to say 'NO!' to
                   these criminal families, and protect our lives and our loved ones. Together we
                   can build a better world. The future is ours.

                                            HUMANITY, RISE UP!

                                  IF WE DON'T SPEAK UP NOW, WE WILL BE SILENT FOREVER

               So far many of us have remained silent, out of fear of losing jobs, finances, position, respect or
               friends. We must understand however that if we don't speak out now, we will lose far more than
               jobs, finances and friends.

               We will lose our very humanity and become programmed slaves without the ability to
               think or feel independently.

               What can we do? The most important is to inform our fellow humans, even though they may
               resist fiercely. The initial rejection of truth should not discourage us, but we must resort to all

                                           S T O P W O R L D C O N T R O L . C O M
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