Page 127 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 127

108                           MMS Health Recovery Guidebook

                         An Important Review

           The HRP and the Key Protocols offer various options. You
           have the exception to the rule (page 70), where if needed
           you can move more quickly into Protocol 2000. There is a
           fast track option (page 82) for the Starting Procedure. In
           Protocol 2000, you’ll find maximum dosage amounts. All
           of this would seem to point to the more MMS one takes
           the better. This is not necessarily so!

           Always  remember,  it  is imperative  to  follow  the  Three
           Golden Rules of MMS. Your own body will tell you what
           your personal ideal dose is. Most people will never get up
           to anywhere near the maximum dosage amounts. These
           are maximum  amounts—they  are  not  a  goal.  Such
           amounts may be needed for some, but not for others.

           You may be able to take a certain amount of MMS, say a
           3-drop dose for Protocol 1000, for one illness. But then
           down the road sometime if you need to repeat the proto-
           col, you may find you can only handle 1 drop an hour,
           even though last year you did 3 drops an hour with no
           problem. Why is this? Our bodies change; different types
           of pathogens or toxins, or different amounts of pathogens
           or toxins may contribute to varied reactions. Any number
           of  circumstances  and  conditions  may  have  bearing  on
           how  much  MMS  you  can  tolerate.  This  is  why  it  is  so
           important  to  pay  attention  to  the  signals  your  body  is
           giving you, and why I want to repeat, it is not a race to
           see how much MMS you can take.

           Each  person  is  different,  for  some  people  a  fast  track
           approach or higher dosing may be needed, and for others,
           low dosing brings results. As I have mentioned earlier, we
           have had some people with advanced cancers get well on
           only 1-drop doses of MMS each hour and low doses of
           MMS2, and some on even less, a 1/4 or 1/2 drop dose.
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