Page 132 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
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Chapter 7 – HRP and Various Diseases 113
Mold/Fungus Protocol, first, before continuing on to Proto-
col 1000 and following the HRP as needed (always ob-
serving the Three Golden Rules). When finished with the
Mold/Fungus Protocol, simultaneously as you begin Proto-
col 1000, start the Lung Protocol (the Cup) see page 159.
Crohn’s Disease: Begin with the Starting Procedure and
continue following the HRP (always observing the Three
Golden Rules). Enemas, and if possible some colonics, can
help. In the case of this particular disease, get started on
the enemas or colonics as soon you are accustomed to
doing the protocols. It is best to start with an enema or
two to see how it goes (see page 148). If you notice
improvement, continue as long as you are doing better.
Do not do enemas or colonics for Crohn’s disease without
including MMS1 drops. If the first enema goes well, you
can increase the number of MMS1 drops in the next few
enemas according to the instructions. If doing colonics,
follow the instructions on page 152. Keep in mind a
colonic is really a super enema and it does clean the colon
more efficiently. Remember the Three Golden Rules of
MMS still apply, especially if you are getting better, don't
change anything.
Dengue Fever: Follow the protocol for dengue fever on
page 190.
Dental Issues: Do the Brushing Teeth Procedure (see
page 73). Simultaneously, begin with the Starting Proce-
dure and continue following the HRP (always observing
the Three Golden Rules).
Depression: Begin with the Starting Procedure and con-
tinue following the HRP (always observing the Three
Golden Rules) until well. If needed, continue with the
program for Diseases Generally Considered Incurable
section (see page 117).