Page 185 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 185
166 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
Instructions for Indian Herb
Step 1
q Do not stop taking MMS. Continue with all the various
things you have added on to your protocol: MMS1,
MMS2, DMSO, enemas, baths, etc. In other words
continue with everything you have already been using.
Step 2
q Include Indian Herb as part of what you are already
doing. You can order it from Kathleen (McDaniel
Life-Line Water) at:
Step 3
q Follow the instructions sent with Indian Herb.
The instructions suggest that you dilute it with 4 parts
Vaseline to 1 part Indian Herb. In some tough heavy
cases if the Indian Herb is not doing the job when
mixed with Vaseline, you may have to use the herb full
strength. Only use it full strength after you have tried
the suggested 4-to-1 mixture. Please note, the
stronger the mixture, the more pain you will
In other words, you could use as much as double the
amount that is given in the instructions, and as strong
as full strength Indian Herb. But do not use full strength
right off, as the lesser amount (4-to-1) will probably
do the job and also give less pain. (You could also try
a stronger 2-to-1 mixture, if the 4-to-1 is not getting
results to see if it helps before going to full-strength.)