Page 209 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 209
190 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook
Note: All the drops on the following chart are referring to
activated drops of MMS (MMS1).
Malaria Protocol for Children
MMS1 Drops Required
Minimum Low Normal Stronger Maximum
Weight Strength Strength Strength Strength Strength
Malaria Malaria Malaria Malaria Malaria
Babies 2-drop 2-drop 3-drop 3-drop
under 12 lbs 1-drop dose dose dose dose
(5.5 kg)
12-24 lbs 3-drop 3-drop 4-drop 5-drop 7-drop
(5.5 -11 kg) dose dose dose dose dose
25-49 lbs 4-drop 5-drop 6-drop 8-drop 9-drop
(11-23 kg) dose dose dose dose dose
50-74 lbs. 6-drop 8-drop 10-drop 13-drop 15-drop
(23-34 kg) dose dose dose dose dose
75-100 lbs 8-drop 11-drop 14-drop 18-drop 22-drop
(34-45 kg) dose dose dose dose dose
100 lbs (45 10-drop 13-drop 18-drop 23-drop 29-drop
kg) and Up dose dose dose dose dose
Chikungunya and
Dengue Fever Protocol
Both chikungunya and dengue fever are viral diseases
caused by mosquitoes. They are showing up more and
more around the world. It is claimed that both diseases
have no specific medical treatment. The body can eventu-
ally overcome these diseases, however, sometimes after
prolonged suffering and/or with difficult complications.
Both diseases can cause death. MMS is effective in helping
people recover their health in a short time from both
chikungunya and dengue fever.