Page 214 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 214
Chapter 11 – Additional Protocols 195
Ebola Virus
Ebola virus disease is severe and often fatal. At the time
of this writing, it reportedly kills up to 50% of people who
are infected. It spreads mostly by contact with a person
who is infected and sometimes through contact with a
surface such as a desk, chair, or table with which an
infected person has made contact. Symptoms may in-
clude fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, red eyes, raised
rashes, chest pain, coughing, stomach pain, weight loss,
bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose, rectum and much
internal bleeding.
In West Africa, Genesis II Church Health Ministers have
had success in helping people overcome Ebola virus
disease. This was confirmed, when possible, in lab tests
before and after in some of the cases.
The protocol that was used was basically the same as the
Chikungunya/Dengue Fever Protocol (see page 190).
Victims recovered their health in seven to ten days. I
strongly suggest however, that even if feeling well in a
week to ten days, that one complete the full 21 days of
the protocol in order to avoid a possible relapse.
Zika Virus
At the time of writing this book the Zika virus, also spread
by a mosquito with similarities to both chikungunya and
dengue fever, is becoming more prevalent in the world.
Currently, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention), most people infected with Zika
virus disease will not have symptoms. The incubation
period for Zika virus disease is not known, but it is likely
to be a few days to a week. The most common symptoms
of Zika are fever, rash, joint pain, or conjunctivitis (red
eyes), muscle pain and headache.