Page 30 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 30

Chapter 1 – Getting Started                              11

           ounce to 30 milliliters; 1/2 cup to 4 fluid ounces or 120
           milliliters. (Wherever one finds ounce or ounces written in
           this book, we are referring to a fluid ounce or fluid ounces.)

           In addition, the same is true for measuring drops. There
           are varying factors that weigh in to measuring a drop. In
           this book I have chosen to follow a general rule of thumb
           (based  on  the  metric  system)  of  20  drops  equals  1
           milliliter. It is important to note that drop size may differ
           among different droppers, bottles with dropper caps, etc.
           Overall, if you are using good bottles that the drops fall
           easy from, one drop at a time, and the bottles do not leak,
           or tend to give you runaway drops—everything should be
           fine. If your dropper bottles do not work well, consider
           finding another supplier for your MMS and activator.

                             MMS Health Recovery
                                 Guide Legend

                       MMS            unactivated MMS
                       MMS1           activated MMS
                       MMS2           calcium hypochlorite
                       HCl            hydrochloric acid
                       ml             milliliter
                       1 ml           20 drops
                       1 ounce        30 ml
                       1 Tablespoon   15 ml
                       1 teaspoon     5 ml
                       1/2 cup        4 ounces/120 ml
                       cc             cubic centimeter
                       1 ml           1 cc
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