Page 31 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 31

12                            MMS Health Recovery Guidebook

                               CDS and CDH

           Other than MMS1, there are two other forms of MMS—
           CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and CDH (Chlorine Diox-
           ide  Holding).  Although  all  three  forms  work  in  slightly
           different ways, all three have been successful in helping
           people restore their health. However, in this Guidebook
           we will only be referring to the original MMS—that is the
           formula that to date has been the most tried and proven
           over a longer period of time. One purpose of this book is
           to give you, the reader, a good foundation in the use of
           the Master Mineral Solution. This basic understanding
           is needed in order to use all the forms of MMS. If you
           get these basics down you’ll be well on your way to better
           health. The same principles in this book can be applied to
           the other forms of MMS. (See Appendix A.)

                        Is it Safe to Take MMS?

           In 20 years, since the discovery of MMS, we are not aware
           of anyone dying or anyone suffering permanent injuries
           as a result of using MMS (chlorine dioxide in a solution,
           which is the way it is used 99% of the time throughout
           the  world).  We  only  know  of  one  recorded  death  (an
           industrial accident) caused by chlorine dioxide gas many
           years before MMS was discovered. This is in spite of the
           fact that chlorine dioxide has been used extensively to
           purify  water,  to  sanitize  hospital  floors,  to  disinfect
           slaughter  houses,  and  to  purify  vegetables,  along  with
           hundreds  of  other  uses.  More  than  any  other  single
           mineral/chemical,  chlorine  dioxide  through  these  and
           other means has improved the health and lives of hun-
           dreds of millions of people worldwide and still no deaths
           or permanent injuries have been recorded caused by the
           use of chlorine dioxide in 100 years.  This also includes the
           many millions of people who have taken MMS orally for
           the purpose of health restoration. Compare no deaths,
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