Page 36 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 36

Chapter 1 – Getting Started                              17

           in volts and as you can see, chlorine dioxide (MMS1) is the
           least strong of the four oxidizers. Because MMS1 is selec-
           tive (oxidizing pathogens and not body tissues), it can be
           both  more  effective  in  oxidizing  pathogens,  as  well  as
           being safer than these other oxidizers.

                      Chlorine Dioxide         0.95 volts
                      Oxygen                   1.30 volts
                      Hydrogen Peroxide        1.80 volts
                      Ozone                    2.07 volts

           Note: For a more detailed explanation of understanding
           MMS and the oxidation process, read the book The Mas-
           ter Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium Chapter 21,
           Oxidizers and Oxidation, and the Appendix, Understanding
           MMS. Read the entire book for a detailed understanding of
           all aspects of MMS and its function.

                           A Word to the Wise

           It has been my experience that some people occasionally
           come up with reasons to alter the techniques and proto-
           cols of the Genesis II Church (see Appendix B). This often
           hinders the protocols from working or from working as
           good  as  they  can.  The  information  in  this  book  is  the
           result of millions of people taking MMS over a period of 20
           years. Our Health Ministers have learned through experi-
           ence  that  these  protocols  work  best  when  followed  as
           they are given here. So please, go by the book, follow the
           instructions carefully, and for optimum results, please, do
           not alter the procedures.

           This book is chock full of essential details that are impor-
           tant to know in order to recover health. If you are not
           aware of some of these vital details it can prevent your
           recovery, likewise, other important points can help insure
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