Page 77 - MMS Jim Humbl's Heart Mind Healing
P. 77

58                            MMS Health Recovery Guidebook

           heal quicker than normal. The sooner it is applied after
           the accident the better, but if you are unable to apply it
           soon  after  an  accident,  it  nevertheless  will  speed  the
           healing process, even if there is a delay in using it. Apply
           DMSO directly on the injury. You can apply it full strength.
           If it burns or causes excessive itching add a small amount
           of water, a teaspoon or so, and gently rub it in. Keep
           adding water in small amounts if necessary, until there is
           no discomfort from the DMSO.

           Below you will find some helpful information and things
           you must know about DMSO before using it as per the
           protocols in this book. In addition, I encourage you to
           research it out on the internet, where a wide range of
           information is available on the use of DMSO.

           DMSO—Where and What to Buy

           DMSO is available through various stores including animal
           supply companies, and online retailers such as Amazon.
           You want to look for the percentage (%) of “purity” on the
           bottle. If the bottle has “99% or 99.99% “purity or “pure”
           on  the  bottle  and  no  other  numbers,  it  is  the  highest

           If possible, purchase full strength DMSO (that is 99% to
           99.99% purity). You can always dilute it down a little bit
           with distilled water if needed. If you do buy DMSO that is
           diluted, purchase one that is only diluted with water.
           It  is  sometimes  diluted  with Aloe  vera,  and  often  it  is
           scented. I do not recommend using those. Read the labels
           and product description carefully. If necessary, check with
           your supplier to be sure what you are purchasing.


           † One might think that undiluted DMSO is quite strong,
           but keep in mind that for the most part, our protocols call
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