Page 34 - The Civil Rights Division booklet
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Human Trafficking
The Division’s Criminal Section oversees a national, toll-free
telephone complaint line to enable victims and others to report
possible trafficking and worker exploitation abuses:
(888) 428-7581.
Disability Rights
For more information about the Civil Rights Division’s
Disability Rights work and the Americans with Disabilities
Act call (800) 514-0301 [Voice] or (800) 514-0383 [TTY].
To file a complaint under USERRA, contact your nearest
Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) office,
which you can locate by visiting
For concerns related to the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act,
servicemembers can find the nearest Armed Forces Legal
Assistance Program Office at
Religious Land Use
If you know of a violation of RLUIPA, you can contact the
Division’s Housing and Civil Enforcement Section at
(800) 896-7743.
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