Page 29 - The Civil Rights Division booklet
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of our nation’s civil rights laws, the Division also has a role
to play in ensuring the domestic implementation of inter-
national human rights treaties that have been ratified by the
U.S. Government. While the State Department takes the lead
in working with other nations, that Department relies on the
Civil Rights Division to provide expertise on how those hu-
man rights obligations are protected at home.
Coordinating Civil Rights Law Enforcement
across the Federal Government
The Division’s Federal Coordination and Compliance Sec-
tion has the critical mission of ensuring that Federal agencies
and all programs that receive federal funding comply with
civil rights laws. The Section is responsible for coordinating
the enforcement by federal agencies of Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the ba-
sis of race, color, or national origin in programs that receive
federal financial assistance; as well as Title IX of the Educa-
tion Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimina-
tion in federally-assisted educational programs. The Division
works closely with other federal agencies to ensure compli-
ance with these and other non-discrimination obligations, and
also provides technical assistance and training. The Section’s
mission includes ensuring individuals who are limited Eng-
lish proficient can access all federal and federally-funded pro-
grams. For more information, visit
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