Page 4 - The Civil Rights Division booklet
P. 4

A Message from
                the Assistant Attorney General

               From the time of our nation’s founding, Americans
        have cherished above all else the promise of equal opportu-
        nity and equal justice under the law. The Civil Rights Divi-
        sion is the conscience of our country, enforcing laws designed
        to give meaning to that enduring promise.

               President Barack Obama has made clear that he con-
        siders civil rights enforcement a critical priority for his Ad-
        ministration, and Attorney General Eric Holder has called the
        Civil Rights Division the “crown jewel” of the Department of
        Justice.  Indeed, the Division has a long and distinguished his-
        tory of combating discrimination in all its shapes and forms.
        The Division’s dedicated career attorneys, professionals and
        support staff work tirelessly to ensure that the Division can
        carry out its critical mission of protecting and defending the
        civil rights of all individuals.
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