Page 7 - The Civil Rights Division booklet
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hate crimes, from ensuring girls and women have equal
opportunities in schools and the workplace to guaranteeing
that individuals with disabilities can access civic services
to which we all have a right. Today, the Division contin-
ues to combat traditional civil rights violations, while also
addressing new, emerging challenges to equal justice and
equal rights. While litigation is a key tool for the Division,
we have a wide array of tools at our disposal -- litigation,
mediation, regulation and policy development, training and
prevention. Our focus is problem solving.
The Division’s work is carried out by 11 sections, as well
as an Administrative Management section. The Sections
include Appellate, Federal Coordination and Compliance,
Criminal, Disability Rights, Educational Opportunities,
Employment Litigation, Housing and Civil Enforcement,
Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair
Employment Practices, Policy and Strategy, Special Litiga-
tion, and Voting.
The brochure is intended to provide an informational snap-
shot of the exciting and important work of the Civil Rights
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