Page 13 - PDF Project Genius Hour
P. 13
The A n es B na n H h 12
As they sailed, the waters seemed to grow
substantially rougher. Hugh had spent most of his
morning the next day throwing up overboard. Hugh was
a relatively strong man, so he was helping out above the
deck. Bernard, on the other hand, was talking with Al in
Al’s bar below deck.
“Hey, what does the ship’s name mean?” Bernard
asked Al.
“Oh yeah, I was hopin’ you’d ask. It means
‘Bearer of Whisky,’ only it's in Irish. I’m Irish ya see.”
Bernard just sat there. “Really?” Al ignored this
and was drinking a bottle of whisky very fast.
Al was starting to get drunk. “Ya know what
would sound nice? A nice jump overboard.” He said.
“Don’t do that,” Bernard said as he tried to hold
Al back from walking up the deck and jumping