Page 3 - Herioter 2021
P. 3

Welcome to                                                               The Editor

                  THE HERIOTER                                                             And so ends (another) session like no
                                                                                           other: a pandemic, a dearth of trips, visits,
                                                                                           sporting fixtures and concerts, another
                                                                                           lockdown, a term of remote, then blended
                                                                                           learning, the cancellation of public exams.
                                                     gowns (useful for protecting our clothes from   One wonders how we will reflect on this
                                                     chalk dust!); or the fact that there are computers   session in years to come. While there is
                                                     in our classrooms.                    likely to be little room for nostalgia, there
                                                       However, most of the changes have been less   will be an acknowledgement that Heriot’s
                                                     obvious to the eye but far more momentous   now feels a starkly different place to the
                                                     in their impact, such as our constant referral to   school we knew in the innocent days of
                                                     our mottos in order to influence the behaviour   February 2020. It is the end of an era, too,
                                                     of all members of the community; our double   as Lesley Franklin calls time on a 26-year
                                                     Gold Rights Respecting Schools awards; our   career at Lauriston Place.
                                                     ‘We Care’ Award; our Eco Schools awards and   The 2021 Herioter makes no attempt
                                                     our International School awards. All of these   to gloss over the difficulties of this session.
                                                     reflect our focus on respect and thinking beyond   Indeed, the brevity of the magazine is
                                                     ourselves. Of course, many things have not   indicative of what did not happen, as
                                                     changed at all – including the cheerfulness and   much as what did.
                                                     hard work of our pupils, staff and the entire   Nonetheless, I am once again
                                                     community.                            indebted to the numerous pupil and
                  The Principal                        There have been numerous highlights for me   staff contributors, but in particular to Roy
                                                     over the years but I think, as Principal, one of my   Munro, our school photographer, and
                  Congratulations and thank you to Jonny Muir,   main highlights was the series of lectures I was   to Ann McHattie, of Barr Printers, who
                  Herioter Editor, and his team, on successfully   asked to give to various groups of business leaders   designed the pages.
                  producing a magnificent edition of The Herioter   throughout Edinburgh – suggesting ways to   As I write these words sitting in a
                  under very challenging circumstances. None of   create positive cultures in their institutions using   second-floor classroom in the Old Building
                  us thought that The Herioter would be affected   Heriot’s as a template. One of the most powerful   in late May, I can hear singing: it is P2L,
                  by the Covid-19 pandemic for a second year!   was when some S6 pupils joined me to give   under the direction of Mrs Lovell, happily
                  Nonetheless, despite cancelled concerts, trips,   ‘top tips’ regarding mental health to hospitality   belting out When it’s a sunny day, from
                  extra-curricular activities, drama performances,   leaders. George Heriot’s legacy of reaching out to   the cover of the playground marquee
                  and so on, Jonny has managed to show the   the city of Edinburgh lives on through our pupils –   as rain thrums on the roof. The words of
                  breadth of activity and learning that did actually   and this type of reaching out is seen throughout   the refrain resonate today – as they have
                  take place this year – and what a superb job he   the pages of The Herioter.  every day this session:
                  has done.                            The last year has given me time to reflect on 26
                    This is my final ‘Principal’s Welcome’ and,   wonderful years spent at Heriot’s. It has been an   Today whatever the weather
                  as you might expect, I have been on reflecting   honour and a privilege to be part of such a warm   We can make the most of our time.
                  on what has changed at Heriot’s during my 26   community and I now look forward to a new   Today we’re in it together
                  years here. There are some very obvious changes,   direction in my life.  So it doesn’t matter if the sun won’t
                  such as June Day no longer being held in the                             shine.
                  Quadrangle; or how frequently we used to wear   Mrs Lesley Franklin      There it is: When it’s a sunny day, the
                                                                                           soundtrack to session 2020/21.

                                                                                           Mr Jonny Muir

                                                                                           Published annually by
                                                                                           George Heriot’s School, Lauriston Place,
                                                                                           Edinburgh EH3 9EQ
                                                                                           Telephone: 0131 229 7263
                                                                                           Fax: 0131 229 6363

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