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                James Weir OBE

                An obituary by his son, Alastair Weir

                James Matheson Knight Weir OBE of Oakham,   Wimpey, and later Mitchell Construction
                who died on 11 September 2020 at the age of   Kinnear Moodie (MCKM) to set up their Scottish
                89 after a long battle with cancer, will be   operations. He established a subsidiary which
                remembered in the county of Rutland for his   erected the first pre-cast concrete buildings in
                tireless commitment to public life in the county   central Scotland.
                and the wider East Midlands.
                                                  In 1973, Weir was approached by the Corby
                Early life                        Development Corporation (CDC) to take on a
                Born in Aberdeen on 3 March 1931, Weir was in   house-building contract. James invited a trusted   Weir took on the fight. Fittingly, on the return
                his 40s when he moved to the Midlands with his   colleague, John Jeakins, to join him and they set   of county status in 1997, Weir was appointed
                young family. As a child, the five-year old James   up Jeakins Weir Ltd in Corby. The company is   Chairman of the new Rutland County Council.
                and younger sister, Wilma, moved with their   now run by Weir’s sons, Jamie and Alistair.
                                                                                     He became Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire
                parents to Edinburgh.             Territorial Army, Cadets
                                                  and Army Charity                   in 1984 then Deputy Lieutenant of Rutland in
                Weir showed a flair for sport and gained his                         1997. He was later appointed Vice Lord
                ‘colours’ for athletics at George Heriot’s School.   Weir had a long-standing involvement with the   Lieutenant of the County – a position he held
                On leaving Heriot’s, he became an articled pupil   Territorial Army. As a young man in Edinburgh,   until 2006.
                in a firm of chartered quantity surveyors in   he served in 71 (Scottish) Engineer Regiment,
                Edinburgh.                        becoming Squadron Commander of 585 Field   Trustee and governing roles
                                                  Squadron. He later commanded 102 (Clyde   In the late 1980s, Weir was appointed trustee
                                                  Field Squadron) in Paisley. When he moved to   of the Peterborough Cathedral Preservation
                During the 1950s, Weir was one of the top try   the Midlands, Weir was attached to 4 Armoured   Trust and remained a trustee for 21 years.
                scorers in Scottish club rugby. His rugby career   Division in Germany.
                began in the under-20s Sevens for Heriot’s                           Weir was a governor of Rutland Sixth Form
                                                  In 1983, Weir began his involvement with the   College, Oakham C of E Primary School, Vale
                Former Pupils Rugby Club, then Heriot’s first
                                                  Army Cadet Force. He became County   of Catmose Community College, the Orchard
                fifteen. He was a regular with Edinburgh District
                                                  Commandant (in the rank of Colonel) of the   School in Melton and Casterton Community
                and the Co-Optimists, playing in two Scottish
                                                  Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Army   College; he was a trustee of Oakham School
                International trials, and in 1958 playing for the
                                                  Cadet Force. He took the unorthodox decision to   for 21 years.
                Combined Cities of Scotland against Australia.
                                                  run it on a military basis – a move that increased   During his time on the board of Anglian Water,
                Throughout the 1950s Weir played in Sevens
                                                  recruits by nearly 50%. His force was also the   Weir was influential in turning Rutland Water
                tournaments in Murrayfield, Melrose, Hawick,
                                                  first in the Midlands to take in girl cadets.    into a leisure destination; he also served as
                Langham and Jedburgh, winning medals in all
                venues.                           He chaired the Rutland Branch of the ABF The   President of Rutland Sailing Club and President
                                                  Soldier’s Charity and remained an active   of Rutland Scouts.
                National Service                  supporter from 1990 until his death.
                In 1954, Weir was called up for National                             Family life
                                                  For service to the Territorial Army and Army   In 1954 Weir met the girl who was to become
                Service, and was posted to No. 3 Training
                                                  Cadet Force, Col. Weir was Awarded the   his wife in Edinburgh. He said that he knew he
                Regiment, Royal Engineers at Aldershot,
                                                  Territorial Army Decoration and clasp, and in   would marry Mary from the moment he set
                revelling in engineering tasks such as building
                                                  1987 was appointed as an Officer of the   eyes on her. Theirs was to be a long-lasting,
                Bailey and Pontoon bridges.
                                                  Military Division of the most Excellent Order of   supportive and happy partnership.
                Weir was selected for officer training at the   the British Empire.
                Royal College of Military Engineering after                          Weir will be remembered as the consummate
                                                  Political career                   gentleman – a generous, hospitable host and
                which, in 1955, he was commissioned into the
                                                  In the 1980s, as chairman of the Oakham   loving family man, who delighted in playing golf
                Royal Engineers, with postings in Dusseldorf and
                                                  Branch of the Conservative Association, Weir   and kicking a ball with his grandchildren until
                                                  represented Rutland on Leicestershire County   only months before his death. James is survived
                Career in construction            Council. When a Mori Poll revealed that 95% of   by Mary and his two sons, Jamie and Alistair,
                On return from National Service Weir joined   Rutlanders wished to regain their county status,   and four grandchildren.
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