Page 34 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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                Remembering Alasdair Alexander                                            We regret to announce
                (Sandy) Maclean (1938 – 2020)                                             the deaths of the
                                                                                          following members of
                Reflections by Stuart Seller and others as part of the North
                                                                                          the Heriot’s community:
                British Railway Study Group, Journal No 140 (July 2020)
                                                                                          Aitken, Ronald Oliver (1954), January 2021
                                                                                          Beenham, Ewan (1994), September 2020
                                                   years, Sandy was more recently made an
                We are sorry to report that Sandy Maclean passed  years, Sandy was more recently made an   Benson, Robert (1952), January 2021
                away on 17th May 2020.             Honorary Member of the Group.          Bishop OBE, FRSE, John Oliver (1953),
                                                                                          February 2021
                Sandy was very much involved with the Group   Jimmy Hay adds:
                                                                                          Blyth, Allan Bruce (1961), April 2020
                from its earliest days and was in particular the   Sandy was instrumental in the formation of the
                                                                                          Bremner, John Iain (former staff),
                recognised authority on North British Railway   former North British Group in the early 60s along
                                                                                          September 2020
                carriages.                         with associates from Fife including, amongst
                                                                                          Brown, John Derrick (1954), January 2021
                In the years 1996-1998, he was co-editor, along   others, Pete Westwater, Ian Kirk, the late Richard
                                                                                          Cairns, Ian H (1955), January 2021
                with John Smith and Ronald Cockburn, of the   Hollingsworth (who was the initial Secretary),
                                                                                          Clark, Ian W B (1959), April 2019
                journal. He also produced a great number of   together with other equally well-known
                articles for the Journal over the years as well as,   individuals, Lord Elgin being the President.   Davidson, Colin W (1952 and former
                                                                                          Governor), October 2020
                among other things, drawings for John Boyle to   Regular meetings were held in Princes Street, with
                                                                                          Deighan, David (1996), September 2013
                accompany his instructions for builders of 4-  an average attendance of 25. The original Group
                wheeled carriages.                 produced a magazine which then consisted of   Duffy (née Arnott), Eva (1996),
                                                                                          September 2020
                More widely known were the books he had   approximately ten sheets of ‘Roneod’ paper.
                                                                                          Girdwood, Thomas G (1954), August 2020
                written. These including the North British Railway   Things in those days were very basic and many
                                                                                          Halliday, Keith R (1983) April 2020
                Album, The Edinburgh Suburban and South Side   hours were spent in Sandy’s house turning the
                Junction Railway and A Pictorial Record of LNER   handle of the Roneo duplicator, or typing with one   Henderson, Lawrence J (1940),
                                                                                          September 2020
                Constituent Signalling.            finger the stencils that were required. The Group
                                                   then continued until the present NBRSG was   Hope, Donald W M (1966), May 2020
                His particular interest was in NBR carriages,
                                                   formed.                                Howieson, Joseph (1944), October 2020
                and his attention to detail was such that the                             Hopton, Ruaridh (2016), December 2020
                characteristics of the vehicles were not just   Sandy and I visited many stations and sites of the
                explained but also the role that vehicles had   old NB, as well as collecting official documentation,   Irvine, Ronald J (1954), August 2020
                played in service.                 including much from the basements in Waverley   Logie, Ruth (former member of staff),
                                                   station.                               February 2021
                Born in Edinburgh, Sandy lived in Morningside
                                                                                          Martin, Glen (1959), August 2019
                Road in a flat overlooking the Edinburgh Suburban   Sandy was a great friend and will be missed.
                                                                                          McGovern, Gerald P (1947), May 2020
                line. After an education at George Heriot’s School,  Robin Boog adds:
                                                                                          Moffat, George Graham Johnstone
                he joined the railway as a Junior Clerk at   I first had the privilege of talking to Sandy in the   (1954), February 2021
                Newington on the Suburban line. He served his   late 1970s, initially by phoning Buchanan House.    Montgomery, Robert (1959), December
                two years National Service in the RAF before   I was after details about the Selkirk Branch and   2020
                returning to Morningside Road as a booking clerk.   Sandy listened, asked for my details, and said he   Moore, Kathleen B (1993), February 2021
                He was successful in being selected for   would get back to me. He did, and very quickly.
                Management Training and one notable job was   Over the 40 years since then the pattern has been   Ponton, Brian (1965), September 2020
                Head of the Coaching Plant section in the   repeated, with me in the early days sending letters   Randall, Joyce W (retired staff), November
                Operations Department of ScotRail HQ in Glasgow   and an SAE before moving on to the much easier   2020
                where he made a particular impact on   email with his ‘ravenswood’ email address   Rangecroft, Derek (1947), September 2020
                revolutionising carriage cleaning with the   appearing frequently both in my sent and received   Rennie, Howieson (1948), January 2021
                introduction of scientific methods.   boxes. I last spoke to Sandy about 18 months ago   Sibbald, Andrew E (1980), May 2020
                Living in Greenock, Sandy seldom strayed from his   and although he could not help me on the phone,   Stewart, Ian S (1951), February 2021
                home in his latter years but continued to help   he was pretty sure he had something ‘in the   Thomson, John Bruce (1962), November
                those who needed historical information on   room’ which he would try to look out. Sadly, it was   2020
                matters.                           not meant to be.                       Tollervey, Robert M (1948), November
                Such was his railway knowledge that when   Sandy was, in railway terms, without a doubt in
                                                                                          Tonathy, Eric J (1948), December 2020
                Lothian Regional Council was looking for someone  my mind, one of the most informative and
                                                                                          Topping, John (1954), February 2021
                to give a series of lectures on Edinburgh’s railways,  intelligent people I have ever met. Always ready to
                Sandy offered his expertise and presented a   help, he was a true gentleman. The North British   Watt, Douglas C (1954), December 2020
                number of lectures that gave a thoroughly   Railway Study Group owes a huge debt to him,   Watt, Ian B S (1949), November 2020
                informative history of railways in the city right up   not only for the help he has given the Group and   Weir, James (1948), September 2020
                to the present day.                individual members but also for all the artefacts   Williams, James F (1956), November 2020
                To record his contribution to the Group over the   he saved from the bonfires of BR Scotland.  Wishart, Robert W (1952), December 2020
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