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 Delving into the Heriot’s archives is akin to opening a treasure trove of
 historical golden nuggets. The archives house some wonderful artefacts
 that both inform and inspire. In this edition of Quadrangle, we share some
 of our findings with you from years gone by.
 If you have any photos or memorabilia you would like to share with us,
 please get in touch at
          1597 Royal Warrant
          This is the 1597 Royal Warrant appointing George Heriot as Goldsmith to Queen Anne. The
 Pre-1800s medals
          warrant is written on velum and stored in a glass frame - professionally speaking a ‘please   Heriot's in porcelain
 Summer trips 1930s style    Before the Dux medal was introduced in 1855,   don’t do that’. By the look of the velum it was also folded at some point in the past and has
 medals were presented to the:    metal clips holding sections together. The writing is now badly faded and I’m not sure if this   Callander Park Museum houses a wonderful
 Pupils sailed from Leith Harbour on the
 S.S. Neuralia bound for a cruise of   "most meritorious of youths who completed   is simply due to age and/or if it was put on a wall somewhere as the frame suggests. Light is   plate of George Heriot’s School, made
 Scandinavia and the Baltic in July 1932.   their education in that institution".    the enemy of all print; light damage is sadly irreversible.   around the 1840s. An excellent piece of
          The warrant is written in Old Scots:                                 craftmanship of our wonderful school.
 This example is
 from 1830.  “James be the grace of god king of Scottis To all and sindrie our lieges and subjectis quhome   Thank you to Ron Dingwall (1967) for
          it effeiris quhose knowledge…privie Seill at Dunfermling the Sevintene day of July The year   sending these images.
          of god Im vc fourscore sevintene yeiris and of oure reigne the thirttie 3tio”.
 School magazines   It is granted to George Heriot ‘younger goldsmith burges of our burgh of Edinburgh’
 You know the Herioter and   (George Heriot senior was also a goldsmith).
 Quadrangle but the Heriot’s   The royal seal is in great condition and as James was still ‘just’ King of Scotland, you’ll notice
 archive also houses a few   that the royal seal is unicorns only, no lion.
 ‘unofficial’ school magazines.   Enquiries are being made to send the warrant for conservation as soon as possible so that it
 These examples are from    hopefully lasts another 400 years. For the time being, it is being kept in the frame, in the dark
 1850 and 1913.  to avoid any further degradation.
          Carolyn Sharp, George Heriot’s Archivist

                                                               Tales from Heriot's
                                                               During the summer break, William
                                                               Ringham (2020) researched and recorded
                                                               the first four episodes in our new podcast
                                                               series, Tales from Heriot's (title in italics),
                                                               which will feature aspects of the school's
                                                               history. These early episodes, carefully
                                                               crafted by Will, focus on:
                                                               • George Heriot: His Life and Legacy
                                                               • 1628-1659: The Construction and
 Christmas C
 ds f
 om the 40s
 Christmas Cards from the 40s                                      Capture
                                                               • The 1700’s: Trials and Tribulations
 A 1944 Christmas card from FP John Adair. John attended Heriots from 1925-1930.
          1801 View of Princes Street                          • The 1800’s: The Good Old Days
 He is noted in the school’s Roll of Honour as one of the former pupils who served in WWII as:
          Pictured above are early 19th century maps of Edinburgh, showing   Thank you to Will Ringham for his efforts.
 Adair, John W., W.O. II (R.Q.M.S.) R.A.C.
 (Regimental quartermaster sergeant with the Royal Armoured Corp)  the lands and feus owned by George Heriot’s Hospital School.
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