Page 13 - Golf Mini Book - 2022-2023
P. 13

on  Sunday.  Players  who  have  missed  the  deadline,
     can call the pro shop and be put on a waitlist with no
     guarantee that they will be able to participate.

   5. Cancellation:
     If you have registered to play in a tournament and are
     not available you must call the Pro Shop by 7am on
     the day of the tournament.  Failure to cancel may be
     used as a basis to bar you from future tournaments.

   6. Player Check-in:
     Players  must  check  in  with  the  starter  at  least  15
     minutes  prior  to  the  scheduled  time  of  the
     tournament.    Please  check  in  before  going  to  the
     range,  restroom,  locker  room,  Bistro,  etc.    This  is
     necessary for the golf staff to arrange carts and clubs.

   7. Late Arrival:
     If you are unable to check in with the Starter at least
     fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start time, please call
     and  advise  the  Pro  Shop  of  your  arrival  time.  If  a
     player fails to call and arrives after the scheduled start
     time she may not be allowed to participate in the daily
     tournament.    Failure  to  cancel  may  be  used  to  bar
     you from future tournaments.

   8. Group Assignment:
     The Pro Shop will assign players to groups based on
     handicaps.    If  a  player  withdraws  or  cancels  due  to
     their group assignment this may be used as a basis to
     bar you from future tournaments.

   9. Handicap:
     a.  The  maximum  current  handicap  index  for  weekly
       18  tournaments  is  36.  The  maximum  current
       handicap index for 9 hole tournaments is 40. The
       Handicap Committee reserves the right to adjust a
       player’s handicap to reflect tournament and social
       play.  Handicaps serve to equalize the playing field.
       In  all  tournaments  lasting  more  than  one  (1)  day,
       players must use the handicap that they began the
       event with in the same flight.

     b. USGA  Handicap:  In  accordance  with  the  rules  of
       the  USGA,  a  current  18-hole  handicap  index  is
       maintained  when  six  18-hole  scores  are  posted
       over  the  past  90  days.  A current  9-hole  handicap
       index  is  maintained  when  six  9-hole  scores  are
       posted over the past 90 days.

     c. All players must use the World Handicap System.
       Your  maximum  score  will  be  a  net  double  bogey
       plus the amount of strokes you are given on each

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