Page 6 - Men's Golf Handbook 2022 - 2023 for website FLIP
P. 6
Bocaire Handicap Sub-Committee
Members and Sponsored Guests,
Recently the Golf Committee recognized the need and value of initiating a
Handicap Sub-Committee, the purpose and goals of the Sub-Committee
are obvious. The Sub-Committee was formed to institute a game plan to
monitor, validate and enforce any handicap discretion that might affect
fairness and equality in all our tournaments, in addition to our everyday
group games.
We all know the ramifications of inaccurate handicaps, whether these are
incorrectly high, or just as bad, incorrectly low. It affects us all no matter
which way the inaccuracies occur. One of the first things the
Sub-Committee reviewed was the number of rounds played vs the number
of scores posted.
It is imperative that we ALL post our scores for every round played, you
can do this on any of your devices OR use the scorecard Dropbox that is
located at the Starter’s Booth, you can’t miss it! The Sub-Committee will
also monitor deviations with regard to score vs handicap especially in
men’s league events.
We’ve written a “mission statement“ (on the following pages 4 - 6) which
clearly outlines our role in the handicap system, along with penalties for
infractions both minor and severe.
The Professional Staff will give the Sub-Committee a report every week
going forward. Let’s all make the very easy effort to post every score.
It’s going to be more enjoyable for all of us.
Handicap Sub-Committee
Pg. 3