Page 5 - Huong Tu Loving Kindness Foundation In Africa Chronicles
P. 5


                                                                                          Dear all benefactors,

            First and foremost, Huong Tu Foundation would like to sincerely thank you for your remarkable response to
         our call for support of the people in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. Right from the inception of this pro-
         ject, Huong Tu Foundation has received tremendous support from benefactors all over the world including: Unit-
         ed States, Canada, Vietnam, Australia, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Cyprus.  Together, we have been able
         to accomplish a volunteer trip to Africa, leaving much laughter, happiness and infinite gratitude for the people
         there. With a total of 23 new wells constructed throughout Uganda, Congo and Ghana, there is now enough
         clean water for more than 10,000 people to use for years to come. In addition, Huong Tu Foundation has contrib-
         uted to the establishment of an orphanage and a school, as well as distributed scholastic supplies and necessities
         to the people in Uganda.

            Your generous contribution in the midst of these challenging times is a most noble deed and there are no

         words to possibly describe the extent of our gratitude for all of you. These acts of sharing truly demonstrate our
         loving kindness for every human being. Moreover, there is no doubt that we will naturally receive many wonder-
         ful things originating from this noble giving.

            Life is a never-ending process of giving and receiving; each one of us is an important link in that process.
         There are many people around us in places around the world waiting for us to share and alleviate the sufferings
         in their lives…To the world, you may be just an ordinary person, but to a certain someone, you could be the per-
         son to make a difference in his or her life. Incredibly, the first person to receive from your giving is none other
         than yourself. Your act of giving and sharing will always bring many wonderful elements to your life and even
         though all things will fade with time, the wholesome deed that we do today will forever accompany us like an
         inseparable shadow. Therefore, let us not hesitate to open our hearts and be kind to everyone.

            Dear all,
            This book is a chronicle of events during Huong Tu Foundation’s volunteer trip to Africa in June of 2021. It
         is intended for the purpose of recalling and sharing all the experiences and joys with our benefactors. This is also
         a token of our deepest and most sincere appreciation for your valuable support. The writing and presentation of
         materials in this book are rudimentary, thus some mistakes are inevitable. We would like to humbly ask for your
         kind understanding and forgiveness.

            Furthermore,  we  would  like  to  respectfully  express  our  most  sincere  gratitude  toward  Venerable  Bud-
         dharakkhita, Abbot of the Uganda Buddhist Centre, who had wholeheartedly assisted us in completing the noble
         deeds mentioned above. We cannot forget to commend the merits of all the team members of the Huong Tu
         Foundation, members of Huong Dao Temple and the Uganda Buddhist Centre who have sacrificed their time,
         health and resources to take part in this meaningful and joyful volunteer trip.

            Huong Tu Foundation will continue to accept contributions to support clean water wells, necessities, school
         construction, and other beneficial projects in Africa. For more information and all contributions, please kindly
         contact:+1-817-715-6885 | | facebook: Huong Tu Foundation |

            On behalf of Huong Tu Foundation, we wish for you and your families to always have the 5 great attributes:
         good health, longevity, good appearance, happiness and wisdom.

         Huong Tu Foundation

         Bhikkhu Paññākāra, CEO

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