Page 7 - Huong Tu Loving Kindness Foundation In Africa Chronicles
P. 7

Loving Kindness Chronicles - Africa

             For more than a year, the whole world has been enduring the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic. After
         months of planning, fundraising and overcoming many obstacles that had delayed our trip numerous times, Hu-
         ong Tu Foundation finally arrived at the very first and only Theravada Buddhist temple in Uganda, overseen by
         Bhante Buddharakkhita. For the light of Buddhism to shine in this part of the world, one must commend the life
         and sacrifice of an African monk, Bhante Buddharakkhita. If back then, had Bhante not gone to India to study
         business, then found Dharma and decided to become a monk, Huong Tu Foundation would probably not be here
         in Uganda today. Cause and Condition in Buddhism are truly indisputable. Although we are of different races
         and skin colors, we have different languages and lifestyles, upon meeting each other, both the monks and lay-
         people felt at ease, happy and familiar, especially when everyone chanted the same Pali sutras together. One can
         also say that Bhante Buddharakkhita is the forefather who has illuminated the light of Buddhism in Uganda, Af-
         rica. Moreover, Bhante’s mother is a noble woman who had sacrificed her life and youth to bear and raise an
         extraordinary son.  Once of age, that son decided to leave her side to explore his own new horizons. Ultimately,
         he  returned  home  in  the  form
         of a monk with a shaved head,
         wearing  a  saffron  robe  and
         carrying  an  alms  bowl  in  a
         country  that  was  completely
         devoid  of  Buddhism  and  the
         concept    of    almsgiving.
         Bhante’s  mother  was  also  the
         first  person  to  offer  him  a
         meal.  She  eventually  decided
         to follow in her son’s footsteps
         and became the very first Bud-
         dhist nun in Uganda.

            The Uganda Buddhist Cen-
         tre  has  certainly  made  history
         in this country and it is also a
         significant  landmark  for  our
         Huong  Tu  members.  Before
         this  project  to  support  Africa
         was initiated, the idea of com-
         ing here seemed almost nonex-
         istent, but today we are here and present on this land. Everyone gathered in the simple but elegant Shrine Hall to
         pay our respect to the Triple Gems and make offerings to the Sangha at this temple. The offerings included
         robes, alms bowls, medicine and other necessities.

            Bhante Buddharakkhita shared with us as follows: “Robes and alms bowls cannot be found in this country so
         it is a great joy to receive these items. From now on, all the monks and novice monks can go to the village for
         alms rounds and connect with the people. It is a dream come true and you know, when the alms bowl went
         through the airport scanner, they actually thought it was a bomb. So today, we’ve brought these Dharma bombs
         here and they will explode and spread Dharma all over Africa. Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! Such great joy!”

            Following was the distribution of food and supplies which included: rice, flour, sugar, beans, soap, and deter-
         gents at the Uganda Buddhist Centre to the villagers, with the presence of Mr. Kalema Ronald Basamulekkere,
         the Mayor of Entebbe city. On behalf of the people, the Mayor expressed his gratitude toward Bhante Bud-
         dharakkhita and Huong Tu Foundation for the love and support of all people, regardless of their background and
         religious beliefs. He appreciated that this temple has brought so many benefits to all the residents here.

            The image of people coming one by one, kneeling with their palms together to receive the gifts from the
         Sangha was very beautiful. More joy followed when Huong Tu decided to donate a building with 12 rooms to
         officially establish the Compassion Orphanage overseen by The Uganda Buddhist Centre. With this orphanage,
         children without parents will have a home under the roof of Dharma and the valuable guidance of Bhante Bud-
         dharakkhita. In the end, the villagers left with nearly 50kg of gifts balanced on their heads and full of joy.

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