Page 107 - MYM 2015
P. 107

Appendix 1
Psychosocial Theory
• Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth to 1 year)
- To develop trust – infant’s needs must be met
- Must be played with, cuddled
- When care is inconsistent or rejecting, mistrust develops – child becomes suspicious and fearful
• Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Ages 2-3)
- Child developing new motor and mental abilities
- Parents should encourage autonomy
- If parents are impatient and does things for child, or if they are critical, the child will begin to doubt
themselves and feel shame
- Caution: don’t give too much autonomy
• Initiative vs. Guilt (Ages 4-5)
- Child becomes master of his body
- Begins tasks like riding a bike, running, cutting
- Children who are given the freedom and opportunity to engage in tasks have sense of initiative reinforced
- Parents should not try to hinder fantasy or play
- If parents make the child feel bad or feel like a nuisance with their questions, the child will
develop a sense of guilt
• Industry vs. Inferiority (Age 6-11)
- Elementary school years
- Love for opposite sex parent is repressed
- Children really begin to learn and play by rules
- Concern for how things work, how things are made, and what things actually do
- Children who are encouraged to make things, do things or build things will develop a sense of industry
- Parents who see their child as mischievous or as messy will help the child develop a sense of inferiority
- School plays a critical role during this period-friends and teachers play an integral role in development
- It is in this stage that lifelong academic failure can begin
- May see the person beginning to question how prosperous they were or how well they have done for themselves.
- Men may go through a mid-life crisis; women may go through empty nest syndrome
Appendix 2
Psychosocial Theory
• Identity vs. Role Confusion Ages 12-18 (Some argue up to 23 today)
- Seeks to find a romantic partner due to reawakened oedipal complex
- Begin hypothetical thinking , thinking ,about what others think of them
- Adolescent works to integrate everything they know about themselves to create an identity
- When an adolescent cannot attain a sense of personal identity ,they show role confusion, a sense
of not knowing who they are or where they belong to.
- Role confusion often seen with delinquent adolescents or promiscuous young girls
- For some ,having a negative self identity is better than having no identity at all
• Intimacy vs. Isolation Ages-late adolescence to young to early middle age
- People will reach out to find an intimate relationship
- Able to care about another without losing oneself in the process
- Parent's have indirectly contributed to the individual's success or failure at the earlier stages.
• Generativity vs. Self-Absorption (Stagnation) Ages -middle age
- Concerned with others beyond immediate family, with future generations, nature of society
- Those who don't meet this need tend to fall into focus only on their personal needs and comforts
- May see the person beginning to question how prosperous they were or how well they have
done for themselves.
- Men may go through a mid-life crisis; women may go through empty nest syndrome
• Integrity v Despair (~65 years and up)
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