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 The Indian Eye
36 canadanewsline AUGUST 21, 2020 independence day celeBrated
With WideSpread JOy, elatiOn
renu Mehta
ndia’s 74th Independence Day was celebrated in Canada with great fanfare
despite the pandemic.
In Toronto, a flag hoisting
ceremony was held on the occasion at the Indian Con- sulate during the morning hours. It was indeed an his- toric occasion as this was the first time that the tricolours lit the CN Tower in Toronto.
The waters at Niagara Falls also displayed the co- lours of the Indian flag.
In Alberta, Premier Jason Kenney issued the following statement in recognition of India’s Independence Day:
“The largest democracy in the world was born on this date 73 years ago. In a world of turmoil, that democracy has endured just as Mahatma Gandhi’s belief in non-vio- lent protest has inspired peo- ple everywhere.
“Today, India combines ancient traditions with 21st century innovation to stand as one of the pre-eminent developing economies. Its growing businesses reach global markets as more of its citizens attain ever-higher levels of education.
“I look forward to once again visiting India to strengthen our commercial and cultural ties. More than
175,000 Albertans of Indi- an heritage contribute im- mensely to our province, and I am proud to join with them in celebrating India’s Inde- pendence Day.
“Best wishes on India’s 74th Independence Day.”
               w w w. T h e I n d i a n E Y E . u s

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