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BarJournal                   COLuMN

                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015
        ETHIc PErSPEcTIvE

                                            lIarS In THE nEWS

                                            Brian Toohey

                t’s not what you’re thinking. This is about   Okuley’s road rage tab included his arrest   The Court ascribed the Board’s more severe
                liars who are lawyers. Ohio lawyers.  for not appearing in court, community control,   proposed sanction as due to Okuley’s:
                 Two recent cases demonstrate what   90-day suspended sentence, $100 fine, $950 in   [D]eceit from the outset of this matter, his
                a tangled web lawyers weave when   restitution, and $5,000 to settle Bahling’s civil   evasive and untruthful deposition and hearing
            Ipracticing to deceive.           suit.                              testimony, failure to acknowledge the wrongful
              Google Columbus lawyer John Okuley   Oh,  and the Columbus Bar Association   nature of his conduct, or to express any remorse.
            to see an abbreviated video of a road rage   charges him with intentionally causing the   The Court appeared to be about to lower
            incident following a bicyclist’s collision   Mercedes/bicycle collision, provoking a physical   the boom, but didn’t. It gave significant weight
            with Okuley’s Mercedes. An eyewitness, Dr.   altercation with an eyewitness, misrepresenting   to Okuley’s having “suffered consequences
            Bahling, is videotaping Okuley on his cell   facts to law enforcement and during the ensuing   outside the attorney disciplinary process”
            phone. Okuley knocks the phone to the   criminal, civil and disciplinary proceedings.  (criminal conviction, restitution, fine, court
            ground. The bicyclist calls 911. What happens   In his disciplinary case and his civil suit   costs and civil settlement). More important, I
            next is the subject of Columbus Bar Ass’n v.  filings, Okuley stuck to his story. No one bought   suspect, was Okuley’s having “suffered serious
            Okuley, 2018 Ohio 1582. The Court reports   it.                      injuries” in a “multiple vehicle accident” during
            that an intense verbal conflict between Okuley   Instead, The Board of Professional Conduct   the disciplinary process and having “entered
            and Bahling, “quickly escalated into a physical   found  violations  of  Rules  3.1  [falsity  in   into a three year mental-health contract
            wrestling match.”                 proceeding], 3.3 (a) [offering evidence known   with [OLAP].” The Court imposed a one-
              The bicyclist testified that Okuley “stomped   false], 3.7 (a) [destroying evidence], 3.4 (c)   year suspension, with six months stayed,
            on the doctor’s phone when it fell to the ground   [disobeying tribunal rules], as well as 8.1 (a)   conditioned on compliance with OLAP’s
            during  the  scuffle.”  Okuley  somehow  ends   [false statement in disciplinary matter] and 8.4   contract and no further misconduct.
            up with the doctor’s phone and sunglasses.  (c)  [deceit]  (d)  [prejudicial  conduct]  and  (h)   Closer to home, you may have seen this
             Okuley tells the police, “[T]wo guys hit me.”  [conduct reflecting adversely on fitness].  October 12 headline on
            When ordered to return Bahling’s property,   The Board’s hearing panel recommended a  “Cleveland lawyer captured on tape coaching
             Okuley argues  he is “allowed to collect   one-year suspension, with six months stayed,  client to lie loses law license.” Cleveland Metro.
            evidence.” You get the picture.   and an additional reinstatement condition. The   Bar Ass’n v. Moody, Slip Op. No. 20 Ohio 4071,
              It gets worse. When Okuley goes to court   full Board raised the ante, recommending two-  spells out the gory details.
            for his hearing on criminal damaging charges,  year suspension, one year conditionally stayed,   Moody  represented  Barrios  in  an
            the case does not begin on time. He leaves.
                                              plus an additional condition for reinstatement.   employment  case against  PNC Bank.  PNC
                                                                                 retained Boston lawyer Siobhan Sweeney.
                trustworthiness (/ˈtr∧s(t)wә:õinәs/) noun. Reliable honesty; a       Ms. Sweeney removed to federal court and
                thing or person one can believe in; the most important element of    began  discovery.  Moody  was uncooperative
                the resolution of disputes.                                        in responding to discovery and in facilitating
                                                                                 Barrios’s deposition. She flew to Cleveland for
                                                                                   plaintiff’s scheduled deposition, but Barrios
            .   Jerome F. Weiss, Mediator                                        and Moody were no shows. Barrios had a good
                                                                                   excuse: he knew nothing about the deposition.

                                                                              Facilitating dispute resolution      Moody did. He called Ms. Sweeney claiming a
                                                                                 scheduling conflict. Court orders for discovery
                                                                               for individuals and institutions   responses and compelling Barrios’s deposition

                                                                                             Tel 216.589.9995   followed. Discovery responses were provided,
                                                                                      Fax 216.589.9723   but not verified. The court-ordered deposition
                                                                   was scheduled, but never happened. Barrios

                                                                                          smelled  a  rat  and  “surreptitiously  recorded”

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