Page 26 - November 2019 BarJournal
P. 26


        WHAT’S NEW IN



                  BY SHAWNA ROSNER

                rom  banking  to  accounting,  predictable costs will also mean there will be   learn textbook law and provide immediate
                industries have felt the impact   more lawsuits and transactions, even among   access to this knowledge. However, you
                of technology but have endured.   law firms’ existing clients.”  cannot depend on a robot to make many of
                In recent years we have seen the   The average consumer may have a negative   the crucial decisions of law. AI technology
        Fadoption  of artificial  intelligence   reaction to an increase in lawsuits. But it can   cannot account for the human element
        within law practice. However, the use of AI has   be detrimental to corporate America when   often required in law practice.
        led many to question the future of attorneys.   legal matters must be neglected due to cost.   In addition to its inability to make human
           When ATMs were first introduced, many   In the short run, attorneys might make less   judgment, it’s safe to assume that most high-
        skeptics inaccurately assumed it signaled   per transaction but will be able to serve more   profile clients won’t want to be represented
        the end of bank tellers. Reality has proven   clients more rapidly.    by a robot. Whether its the litigator with the
        the  opposite  to be  true.  Today  there are   Heller added, “As a business owner, I   best record to represent them in court or
        twice as many tellers as there were before   find myself in situations where I choose not   the number one closer in town to secure the
        ATMs. Technology often evolves into an   to enforce a right (trademark, copyright,   deal — the rich and famous want the best
        indispensable assistant to the employee.   contract, etc.) because the litigation costs just   attorney money can buy. A robot that can be
        Microsoft Excel didn’t eliminate the job of   aren’t worth it. But if I knew a litigation would   hired by any average person is too accessible.
        an accountant. Instead, it simplified the task   cost under $10,000 and have a good chance of
        of accounting.                      success, I would weigh my options differently.”  Why AI Will Benefit Lawyers
           Technology allows us to adapt and   We’ve seen a similar story within   A  comparison  has  been  made between
        improve  our  resource allocation. The  task   accounting. As basic accounting costs have   the way AI will help lawyers and the way
        of writing a letter, delivering it to the post   lowered, accounting firms have been able   autopilot assists pilots. The rise of autopilot
        office, and waiting days for a reply has been   to offer more services. Working alongside   hasn’t eliminated the pilot’s job. Instead, its
        streamlined to a few seconds required to   robot lawyers, attorneys will be able to offer   become a beneficial tool during flight.
        send an email.                      more services, service more  clients, and   AI-document discovery tools have been
           Without a doubt, AI is set to disrupt the   focus on meaningful work.  one of the biggest changes for lawyers.
        way attorneys practice law. But the keyword                            Processing millions of documents and
        is  disruption rather than  elimination.   Why AI Won’t Replace Lawyers  case files have allowed machine learning
        AI integration has led to more efficient   There’s a general understanding among   to improve its algorithm. In shorter time
        processes. One practical example is Google’s   lawyers that practicing law requires   AI-powered software has the ability to detect
        AI-powered predictions. In 2013, Google   interpretation. Unfortunately, not all matters    and  flag  appropriate  pieces of  information
        acquired the crowdsourced traffic app,   can be defined as right or wrong. This is an   within a file.
        Waze. They’ve been able to incorporate the   area where human discretion is required.   Lawyers are intelligent people who
        data provided by the app into their Google   Even if equipped with the most advanced   want to be challenged by their work. The
        Maps algorithm to reduce user’s time spent   algorithm, a machine cannot understand   drudgery of pouring over mountains of
        in traffic. Just as a traffic app allows users   the gray areas of law that don’t have a   paperwork is not their favorite part of the
        to arrive at point B more efficiently, AI will   definitive answer.    job. Most lawyers would prefer to spend
        allow lawyers to work more effectively.   During law school, attorneys learn one   their time doing work that is energizing and
           In a recent  Above The Law  article, Jake   of the most important things they’ll take   rewarding. The ability to offload tedious
        Heller pointed out one of the more obvious   into their practice: to think like a lawyer.   work that can be automated by a machine
        repercussions of AI. “Not only will technology   Through machine learning, an algorithm   means lawyers get to spend more time doing
        enable attorneys to address unmet legal needs   becomes more complex, increasing its ability   the work they enjoy and may even be able to
        for the under-resourced; lower and more   to account for certain variables. It is able to   leave the office earlier.
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